Course of Nursing



Hey, guys!

So the reason why I chose Punctures and Lobotomy as my URL-slash-Page-title is because I’m currently taking up nursing, and I’m already in my last year (yayayayayay!!!) which means it’ll be my last year being dependent on my parents [which kind of sucks] because I’ll be already working (*cries*).

Nursing wasn’t my only choice.

I admit that I took up this course because it’s been my dream since I first saw a woman in this all-white uniform and I thought it would look cool, that I would look respectable.

But then, I also grew up. I also began to consider other courses wherein I can use my “specialties” in my future profession.

This was my first choice.

Basically, it was because my dream.

As I grew up, I saw more and more nurses roaming around, trying to get to their workplaces. When I visit my cousin (who was also a nurse) at the hospital, I see these people in white uniform and the girls with caps on them

Now, what I wanted to talk about are the misconceptions about Nursing as a course and as a profession by other students from other courses.

Isn’t there an oversupply of nurses already? 

You don’t even know if there is an over- or oversupply, but from our training at a hospital and questions to a few nurses, it seems that there is a lack of supply.

Rumors– or truth– from others say that there are a lot of registered nurses who are currently finding jobs at different places that are not even related to their profession. Ah! So itan oversupply because there are no available slots at hospitals.

What is there, really? Oversupply? Undersupply? Oversupply? Undersupply? Oversupply? Undersup–

You know what? It doesn’t matter to me. As long as I’ve finished what I have dreamt of for over a decade, I’m satisfied with it. I’ll just have to finish graduation and everything before I worry about the actual job.

They said that the course is hard.

Wrong. It’s not so hard if you’re focused on the course. If you’re not studying, then comes the time when everything becomes hard for you.

Just listen to your teachers, parents and other people who know the feeling of taking up Nursing.

If you’d think those all-answers-are-correct-but-choose-the-best-one multiple choice exams, 100-item pretests, and 8-hour duty twice a week seem impossible to achieve, listen to me who’s been there, who’s done that, and who’s still doing it: there’s nothing impossible if you keep on trying and if you trust in God.

I’m telling you all these things about hardwork yet I’m a person or procrastination. People just underestimate my abilities.

No, just kidding.

In all seriousness, though, if you’re into something and you want to achieve it but there is a lot of negativity radiating from others that might keep away from what you want to do, just consider if you want to but don’t let it take over your life and tell you what to do.

If it would be what will make you happy, do it. If you’re willing to take all risks, go ahead. As long as you believe you can do it, go after it.

Are you going to proceed to medicine after?

I used to tell the others that I wanted to be a doctor when I was around 4 or 5. I turned to being a nurse because when I was a kid, my assumption was that the doctor has a heavier job than nurses do.

Now that I’m already grown up, I have realized that the difference of a doctor and a nurse is that, generally, the doctor’s responsibility is to identify what kind of illness does a patient have and it’s already his/her duty to prescribe the diagnostic tests, medications, etc. while the nurse’s responsibility is to identify different measures and care plans in order to enhance the patient’s health.

As of now, I’m still in the crisis of proceeding to medicine, but if I did, I would be taking somethings related to cardio, neuro or renal.

So that’s all that I can think of right now. There was literally nothing interesting that has happened to me for the past 2 weeks so this is my end product for this day.

To those who have read this, thanks for spending your time reading this post.

Good bye. See you when I see you
